8 Most Common Cover Letter Mistakes

In this article, Recruitmentcv editors have compiled the 8 most common cover letter mistakes applicants make whenever they write. These mistakes have since span around and some of them now seem to be the norm of every writer. However, we deem it fit to address some of the top mistakes in this post.

The cover letter is a crucial component of the job application process since it serves as an introduction to the applicant, helps them understand your goals, and gives them a sense of who you are as a person. Employers can see how well you can communicate through your cover letter.

Additionally, it can show that you are skilled at selling yourself and your strongest qualifications. A strong cover letter will persuade hiring managers to look through your CV. This demonstrates the importance of a cover letter in any organisation’s hiring process.

Most people don’t have any trouble writing a cover letter since most people know what should be in one, the problem here is how official or informal should it be?

Most Common Cover Letter Mistakes.

Being over-formal / informal:

Overconfidence, and fear can make you over-formal or informal. Formality is required, but not in excess. The level of formality you should convey in your cover letter depends on the position or business you are applying to. For instance, formality is not only important but also required if you are applying for a job at a prestigious company like Microsoft Technologies. This type of organisation cannot be formal in the same way as a smaller, less formal entity, such as a business venture. That doesn’t mean you should be lighthearted, too casual, or jokey while applying to smaller companies; of course, doing so won’t give the hiring manager the impression that you’re not serious. On this note, a careful examination of the company you are applying for is necessary.

Using handwriting for a cover letter:

Regardless of how legible your handwriting is, never submit a cover letter written by hand. Today, everyone has the patience to read handwritten texts and even to overlook any mistakes that were made. Since we live in a technological age, type your cover letter to give it a more formal appearance.

Too lengthy a cover letter:

If you have read any of our prior articles, you know how much we stress the need of keeping a cover letter brief and basic. Nobody likes to read long documents, especially when they don’t offer any value or when reading them is a chore. The competition is further increased by the possibility that your cover letter won’t be the only one being read. Try not to document too much; leave certain things out unless they are wholly relevant to the position you are looking for. For the most part, recruiters are pressed for time and only need a brief overview of your qualifications. Yes, it can be beneficial to discuss interests or a pastime outside of work, but this is not what will land you the job, so focus instead on your relevant experience and exclude the section about your cupcake-baking prowess.

Proofreading and editing:

The majority of people believe that the computer and the typewriter are always correct, therefore they don’t bother to cross-check their work or edit or review sentences, which is one of the most prevalent errors. This is really terrible, the computer is just a machine and occasionally the autocorrect or even the grammar may be incorrect. The typist is also just a person like you; the only thing that makes him different is his expertise with computers. There is software available to aid you with this, such as Grammarly, which helps you verify your grammar and sentence structure. To avoid embarrassment or additional costs, it is wise to take your time to evaluate your work before printing or submitting. However, even that can occasionally be incorrect.


Being boastful is a quality that hiring managers won’t put up with, and this is evident in the way your cover letter was written. In general, most people are unable to cooperate with superior individuals, let alone tell them out loud. Try to keep your cover letter as straightforward as you can, regardless of the degree of expertise or certification you may have obtained.

Being overly self-centered:

When writing a cover letter, you should take the hiring manager into account as well; avoid making the letter focus exclusively on you and your interests. Tell them what you have to offer rather than just what you have, what they would gain from hiring you, or, to put it simply, what you bring to the table. Create your cover letter from the perspective of the firm you’re applying to, and write about yourself in terms of what you can provide to it rather than the other way around.

Clumsy language:

This is something we should be extremely careful with because a cover letter is an official letter and some languages, such as the use of acronyms, might not be accepted. Regardless of the company, whether you are applying for positions as a sales representative, journalist, cashier, or engineer. If English is not your first language, this may seem harsh, but you must keep in mind that due to the overwhelming number of applications companies must sort through today, more and more will reject you for even the smallest linguistic errors.

Document formatting:

Finally, always take note of your document formatting, a guide is provided below to assist you.

Font style: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 – 14
Margin: Normal
Paper orientation: Portrait
Paper type: A4 or Letter

You might not be a designer or be searching for a job that requires design abilities, but that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore the format of your cover letter. After all, you can easily walk into a computer business centre or cyber café and ask for assistance.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Aside from Times New Romans can I use other font style for typing my cover letter?

Of course you can, there are other good font style like Calibri (body), Arial or Arial Narrow, Book Anitque, Tw Cent, Georgia, e.t.c. just make sure the selected font style is readable and presentable.

What should a cover letter entail?

Understanding your motivation for being interested in a job opportunity is crucial before you decide to start the application process. Not only to give your “why” in your cover letter, but also to seriously consider whether you would enjoy working for this company and whether you would succeed in the role.

What is the essence of a cover letter?

Your cover letter should serve as a persuasive essay that explains to the employer why you are a strong candidate for the position.

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